Privacy Policy

We at Jio Dreams want you to understand what information we collect, and how we use and share it. That’s why we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy. This helps you use Jio Dreams Products in the way that’s right for you.

In the Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect, use, share, retain and transfer information. We also let you know your rights. Each section of the Policy includes helpful examples and simpler language to make our practices easier to understand.

It's important to us that you know how to control your privacy, so we also show you where you can manage your information in the settings of the Jio Dreams Products you use.

The information we collect and process about you depends on how you use our Products. For example, we collect different information if you sell furniture on Marketplace than if you post Jio Dreams. When you use our Products, we collect some information about you even if you don't have an account.

Your activity and information you provide:

Friends, followers and other connections:

Information we collect about followers and other connections:

We collect information about friends, followers, groups, accounts, other users and communities you’re connected to and interact with. This includes how you interact with them across our Products and which ones you interact with the most.

Information we collect about contacts:

We also collect your contacts’ information, such as their name and email address or phone number, if you choose to upload or import it from a device, like by syncing an address book. If you don’t use Jio Dreams Products, or use them without an account, your information might still be collected.

Information we collect or infer about you based on others’ activity. For example:

App, browser and device information:

We collect and receive information from and about the different devices you use and how you use them.

Device information we collect and receive includes:

How do we use your information?

We use information we collect to provide a personalized experience to you, including ads, along with the other purposes we explain in detail below.

For some of these purposes, we use information across our Products and across your devices. The information we use for these purposes is automatically processed by our systems. But in some cases, we also use manual review to access and review your information.

To use less information that’s connected to individual users, in some cases we de-identify or aggregate information. We might also anonymize it so that it no longer identifies you. We use this information in the same ways we use your information as described in this section.

Here are the ways we use your information:

To provide, personalize and improve our Products

We use information we have to provide and improve our Products. This includes personalizing features, content and recommendations, such as your Jio Dreams Feed, Stories and ads. We use information with special protections you choose to provide for these purposes, but not to show you ads.

How long do we keep your information?

We keep information as long as we need it to provide our Products, comply with legal obligations or protect our or other’s interests. We decide how long we need information on a case-by-case basis. Here’s what we consider when we decide:

Why we may preserve your information longer

Your information, including financial transaction data related to purchases or money transfers made on our Products, may be preserved and accessed for a longer time period if it’s related to any of the following:

Examples of why we might preserve your information

To respond to a legal request

For example, we might preserve your information after you delete your account when we receive a valid legal request, such as a preservation order or search warrant, related to your account.

To comply with applicable law

For example, we preserve certain information about purchases or transactions associated with an account, in line with Jio Dreams’s accounting obligations.

For safety, security and integrity purposes

For example, if we disable an account for violating our terms or policies, we preserve information about that user to prevent them from opening a new account.

We also might preserve some of your account information as part of our review of suspicious activity. This includes any suspicious activity associated with our financial products, like suspected money laundering or terrorist funding.

For litigation

We may preserve your information where we deem it necessary for reasons related to a legal claim or complaint. For example, we may be required to defend ourselves in legal proceedings in a claim related to your information.

Where do we use cookies?

We may place cookies on your computer or device and receive information stored in cookies when you use or visit:

In some cases, we may preserve your information based on the above reasons even after you request deletion of your account or some of your content. We may also preserve information from accounts that have been disabled and content that has been removed for violations of our terms and policies.